Monday, November 16, 2015

15th November 2015 - Vsakhapatnam to Bhubaneshwar

Previous post - 14th November-2015-Visakhapatnam

Next Post - 16th November Sun Temple at Konark and Puri Jagannath temple

We left Vizag early in the morning and reached Bhubaneshwar at about 3 PM, a total drive of about 6.5 hours.

The roads were empty and the surface good, facilitated a high average speed throughout the drive. Not much of traffic on the roads not even autorisckshaws and two wheelers, either not many people go to Bhubaneshwar from Vizag or being a Sunday there was less traffic.

All along the way we saw people carrying platters with flowers and other puja items and when stopped to enquire we were told that today was Nagula Chauthi, a day when people pray to snakes. Those who wanted to pray were making their way to and searching for snake pits (termite mounds) for praying and making their offerings.

Praying to the snakes
On this road too the toll booths were in bad condition and sorely lacking in amenities, forget the vehicles passing through, what about those who work at the toll booths?
Toll booth, wonder what the staff do during summer or when it rains.
The drive was pleasant as was the weather.

Once we crossed into Orissa there were hundreds of lorries in a queue at the integrated check post and waiting to get into the State. The roads were not as well cared for as in AP and the road traffic was also heavier. Is it that Orissa is not as developed as Andhra?

A huge statute of Hanuman coming up alongside the highway

Toll Booth Operator

Lunch time - Close to a quarry

Overgrown lorry

carrying recron, lage in size but not heavy, however he still overflows and is this correct?

This lorry gave me the scare, I thought he was coming towards me but was actually moving away from me, I thought for a moment he was going in reverse till  noticed that he was being towed.

All along te highway in Andhra one can come across goats being herded, maybe the large quantities because we were on te highway during the weekend, all of them prospective Briyani?

Lorries trying to pass one another at slow speeds slow you down

This lorry was coming in the wrong direction and had run over a two wheeler, nothing seems to have happened to the rider but the vehicle was stuck under the lorry and there were three men under the lorry trying to extricate the two wheeler.

Transvestite at a toll booth

Previous post - 14th November-2015-Visakhapatnam

Next Post - 16th November Sun Temple at Konark and Puri Jagannath temple

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