Sunday, January 3, 2016

25th November 2015 - Delhi to Jaipur

Made our rice mixed the curd rice and we were ready for the next leg, into Rajasthan. The hotel was kind enough to have our car cleaned inside and out. When the luggage was loaded into the car the cleanliness was motivating, the insides we ensured was always clean but the outsides we had no control over.

We checked out of our hotel soon after breakfast and we were soon on the highway to Gurgaon, we had agreed to meet a friend on the highway at Gurgaon to shake hands and if we had the time then for a cup of tea, by the time we reached Gurgaon we decided that we had no time for tea, so all we could manage was a hand shake a pat on each others back a photograph to record our meeting and we were off toward Jaipur.

The information we gathered was mixed and we were cautious, where the roads towards Jaipur good or bad? where there a lot of diversions because of a lot of road work going on? We would find out soon. We did, the roads were good, much of the construction work on the highway was complete and we were able to do the stretch in good time.

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