Saturday, November 21, 2015

19th November Kolkata to Bodh Gaya

Previous Post - 18th November 2015 Kolkata

Next Post - 20thN November 2015 Bodh Gaya to Varanasi

Our journey commenced quite early in the morning, as winter sets in the days are short and become shorter as we go further North Even in Kolkata it becomes dark by about 5 PM.

6:30 AM we were in the car and heading out, our first stop was at an Indian Oil pump for fuel and air, we got the fuel but not the air, no one is easy with the air and specially in the morning, there is always some excuse or other. The compressor is not working, there is not enough air, air only after 10AM etc. While we were waiting for the fuel a lorry almost rammed into the front of the car, he was in a hurry to hit the road and was not exactly careful and we were lucky.

We moved onto the highway and headed towards Bodh Gaya our destination, the traffic was horrendous, The Kona Expressway was packed with lorries and lorries and more lorries, they were slowing us down and the careless overtaking was terrible, it is a wonder that there was no accident in the morning.

The first toll was slow and painful, we had no change and the person who manned the toll booth refused to accept a Rs 500 note. He just did not move a muscle, we had to search every wallet and purse and come up with the exact change, I hope they demonstrate the same tenacity in controlling traffic and all those two wheelers and pedestrians who want to commit suicide on the roads. Afetr this incident I decided that I shall not part with my change easily, there must be enough change available for the next few tolls. I always a carry a small plastic container with a lot of lose change and I had been free with the change till now.

The traffic was continuous and with no let, this must be one of the busy stretches on the Golden Quadrilateral. So many lorries on the road and all of them speeding and at times reckless. The cars too were not too careful, in my opinion careless overtaking and breaking too many rules of safety. Somewhere on the road we spotted an IndianOil pump and went in for air, an elderly man checked our air cheerfully and refused to accept a tip, which we ended up thrusting on him much to his discomfort. On a long trip it is essential that air pressure is checked often and is maintained at correct levels for safety, remember that the tyres are the only contact the vehicles has with the road.

We stopped at Topchanchi for lunch at a Dhaba called Shaan e Punjab, the food was passable but we did quite enjoy the ambience, sitting under a tree in the shade, pleasant weather and charpoys avaiable if one wanted to stretch out for a while. Seems to be a popular eating stop. Therewhere cubicle type structures in the rear with curtains, obviousy to provide privacy and why I wonder? In the men's bathrrom a large tub was constructed and filled with water and there were lorry drivers bathing. This place caters to lorry drivers and much of their needs. We were served by Rajish who when asked if the food was pure vegetarian answered Yes, and when I told him that if he was lying and that non vegetarian was als being cooked or vessels being mixed with veg and non veg food the gods will punish him, he retorted that even he prayed to the gods he he he he

We continued on our journey and reached Bodh Gaya at about 5 PM. We aksed the hotel for a taxi to take us to the Vishnupad temple.

The taxi came in about 30 minutes and the driver was Gudi, a friendly guy and helpful too, he took us to the temple in spte of the heavy crowd and poice regulation because of the Chaau Pooja which is a major event in Bihar and came with us to help us find our way. The temple is rather small but very significant to the Hindus who come here in large numbers to carry out rituals for their ancestors. The crowd is for the rituals for those who have passed away and maybe this is why there is not much of a crowd for their daily worships. Maybe people think this is a morbid temple. An impression of Vishnu's feet can be seen on a rock which is in a silver basin of about 8 feet in diameter. People sit around the basin and offer their prayers. There is also the banyan tree and the Phalgun river which are a part of the riuals that are performed here. A reading of the text pertaining to the Vishnupad temple would be interesting.

Bihar is a State to be experienced..........

A tub filled with water for lorry drivers to use. Drivers use a mug take water from this tub to have their bath before they eat.

The toilet and cubicle complex at Shaan e Punjab, there were more than 12 small cubicles with curtains, ensuring privacy.....for drivers and highway queens

Our wayside Dhabba

Rajesh our waiter who also prays to the gods

Autos with carriers seem to be quite common

Sugar cane juice boy Kamlesh Kumar Chouhan - remmeber that when you ask for the name all three will be given with pride

Common sight

Narrow autorickshaws at Bodh Gaya

Previous Post - 18th November 2015 Kolkata

Next Post - 20thN November 2015 Bodh Gaya to Varanasi

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying the read Hari. Have a very safe and pleasant trip.
